I was curious over how managed PersistenceObjects perform compared to traditional dedicated managers. Or should I say I wanted too see how slow they were. So I created these tests.
The tests use SimpleTest to wrap the functionality and Graphpite to visualize the results. Green lines represent PersistenceObjects and red lines represent dedicated managers.
The tests are run on a:
Intel Core 2 duo 6600 @ 2.40GHz
3,12GB ram
ApacheFriends XAMPP (basic package) version 1.6.2
+ Apache 2.2.4
+ MySQL 5.0.41
+ PHP 5.2.2
PersistenceObjects version 0.8.1
Each test sends one request to the server for each cycle of the test. So for example the create test sends 50 "create a user-tree" requests asynchronously to the server. The collected runtimes are gathered by the server and they represent only the time the execution of a single request. Thus, network-lag does not affect the results.
The classdiagram of the entities used in the test is a real-life example:
Create one User, no connected objects
The first test creates a 10 User-entities per request. The entities have connected objects but they are set to null.
total: 0.2156262397599999
avg: 0.002156262397599999
(in microseconds)
total: 0.3999671935499998
avg: 0.003999671935499998
(in microseconds)
Create one User with several connected objects
The test creates a single User-entity with 10 albums which each has 10 pictures. So a single request creates 1 + 10 + 100 = 111 entities in the database.
total: 4.734376430200001
avg: 0.09468752860400002
(in microseconds)
total: 8.260511159999998
avg: 0.16521022319999998
(in microseconds)
Read one User, no connected objects
The test reads a 10 User-entities. The entities have connected objects but they are set to null.
total: 0.17367172237
avg: 0.0017367172237
(in microseconds)
total: 0.2613704204399999
avg: 0.002613704204399999
(in microseconds)
Read one User with several connected objects
The test reads a single User-entity with 10 albums which each has 10 pictures. So a single request reads 1 + 10 + 100 = 111 entities from the database.
total: 4.1491885182
avg: 0.082983770364
(in microseconds)
total: 5.58118248
avg: 0.1116236496
(in microseconds)
Update one User, no connected objects
The test updates a 10 User-entities' values. The entities have connected objects but they are set to null.
total: 0.24379992480999998
avg: 0.0024379992481
(in microseconds)
total: 0.3572223186300001
avg: 0.003572223186300001
(in microseconds)
Update one User and all its connected objects
The test updates a single User-entity with 10 albums which each has 10 pictures. Each entity's values are edited. So a single request updates 1 + 10 + 100 = 111 entities in the database.
total: 10.428173063999997
avg: 0.20856346127999995
(in microseconds)
total: 8.415381676
avg: 0.16830763352000003
(in microseconds)
Edit connections
Add an album's pictures to User's favouritesAlbum
The test adds a single album's pictures to User-entity's favouritesAlbum. The test creates no objects but adds 10 connections to connections-table.
total: 4.329427242200002
avg: 0.08658854484400004
(in microseconds)
total: 9.261114836000003
avg: 0.18522229672000004
(in microseconds)
Delete one User, no connected objects
The test deletes a 10 User-entities. The entities have connected objects but they are set to null.
total: 0.3826799392700001
avg: 0.003826799392700001
(in microseconds)
total: 0.33228659633999985
avg: 0.0033228659633999986
(in microseconds)
Delete one User and all its connected objects
The test deletes a single User-entity with 10 albums which each has 10 pictures. every entity is deleted. So a single request deletes 1 + 10 + 100 = 111 entities from the database.
total: 8.149089337000001
avg: 0.16298178674000002
(in microseconds)
total: 5.982427596999999
avg: 0.11964855193999999
(in microseconds)
There's a few cases where PersistenceObjects were faster than dedicated managers (Update one User and all its connected objects, Delete). This can be explained by the cache-feature that PersistenceObjects use. If managers were also to use a cache, they would win these cases too.
As expected, PersistenceObjects are slower then dedicated managers. This will always be true, because dedicated managers can always be optimised more accurately than generalized PersistenceObjects. But why use PersistenceObjects then? Simply because of the development time. Creating dedicated managers for each entity is ALWAYS slower than you'd expect. When starting a project the focus should be given to the application's features rather than database management. Therefore it might be wise to use PersistenceObjects as long as they are needed and finally when it's time to optimise, switch to dedicated managers.