Naming restrictions:
This article explains naming restrictions that projects that use PersistenceObjects must follow.
PersistenceObjects for php forces a few naming restriction rules. This is because even though the objects use reflection to find methods and properties, it is easier to assume that a few basic princibles exist.
1. camelCase
Classnames, methods and properties should use camelCase in their names.
for exampler:
WRONG class user { private $id; private $property_that_is_wrongly_named; public getproperty() { return $this->property_that_is_wrongly_named; } } CORRECT class User { private $id; private $propertyThatIsCorrectlyNamed; public getPropertyThatIsCorrectlyNamed() { return $this->propertyThatIsCorrectlyNamed; } }
2. id must be "id", not "Id" or "iD" or anything else.
Each class must have an id property and it should be named "id". Remember camelCase with setters and getters.
WRONG class User { private $ID; public getID() { return $this->ID; } } CORRECT class User { private $id; public getId() { return $this->id; } }
3. PersistenceObjects naming.
PersistenceObjects must be named "[className]Persistence". This is because when fetching connected objects, reflection is used to create a PersistenceObject-instance for the connected object.
WRONG, will not be found class UserPO extends PersistenceObject { ... } CORRECT class UserPersistence extends PersistenceObject { ... }